Archive for March, 2009

Self Art Therapy

geometric organic

Oh, this day.

This day was so…



too much.

inner spaces

I don’t have much to offer right now except that I spent the better part of this day trying to pass the time, hence the drawings.  That’s what happens when, at the last minute, you are called in to give two 3rd graders a 70 minute state standardized test that takes them all of NINE minutes and then you are held hostage with them until the time runs out.  Take that equation plus me and a pencil and papers with no reading material and times it by three and you have my day in a nut shell.  I call it self art therapy.  Other than that, school ran mostly normal today but we had one of those doom and gloom kind of a meetings afterward that sent me back into my dark places.

The rest of the evening I let myself get worked up about work and I am stinking worried right now.   The good news just isn’t all that good right now so I have a stomach head ache – yes, I just said that.  And, what’s that?  It’s not good to worry…the future is supposed to be precarious and secretive….? What’s that, you say?  When I worry it means I am not trusting?   What’s that?  Today I actually called my chiropractor shortly after leaving his office because he said he was hiring an office manager?  What’s that –  he had already offered the position to someone shortly after I left and shortly before I called?  Um, yeah…all of those are true.  I wish I had some more optimistic hope-filled truth right now like these sweet flowers I doodled but I’m just not there yet.

floral doodle

taking strides in snow and spring

Well, spring break is ticking down to the final hours.  Lots of sleep, skiing, and relaxing coupled with lots of anxiety, moping and denial.

Prior to the big, bad news, we let Pat talk us into taking some turns at Vail.  Didn’t I say we were crossing our fingers for a giant spring storm?  Well, lucky, lucky us!  At this point, most people know the weather in Denver and the mountains was great – so much snow!   I know I already said this once this week but Thursday had the most snow I’ve ever skied.

Check out Dan and Pat just off the trail.  It was KNEE DEEP!

knee deep

Then the snow picked up even more – here’s Pat blazing through the powder.

face up, Pat!

Dan’s turn

Danger Dan

I got the news about school on our way back to Denver so the next 24 hours seemed pretty bleak.   The dogs tried to cheer me and they did look funny in the snow.  ( I added a quick video of Quattro in the snow, you can find in on the right side panel. )

snow wrestle

snow dog

Q on the go

Even after I got the good news on Saturday, I was still a little slow to start back up into doing again.  This note to self finally snapped me back into reality.

note to self

So I did.  I took a walk and did some of this…

self pic squint

and saw lots of snow – hoooray

under snow

and found chirping birds in the cherry tree blooms.  Aren’t they sweet?

birds of a feather

flock together

rockin robin

tweet, tweet, tweet

all puffed up

This snow in our yard reminds me of when I was a kid.   I would play in the backyard so I could keep the front silky smooth and I got mad when the other kids would mess it up.

white blanket

I love the glimmers.


So, eventhough this spring break was full of glimmers and a few lack luster moments, I can’t wait to get to school and give those kiddos a hug.

in limbo

Stomach turning.  Stomach turning…stomach….ache.

My stomach hurts when I worry.   Right now, I am worried.

Long, LONG story short :  The private day treatment school I work at announced yesterday that it will be dissolved as of Tuesday, March 31st.  On Wednesday, April 1, it will re-open under the umbrella of a local school district.

The change is good for the school and the kids, however, there will be staff cuts.  We do not know who will be kept on as a temp. employee of the district.  I will loose my insurance and no one will be paid for the last two weeks of work.  I will work Monday and Tuesday and I might not have a job on Wednesday.  Ache, turn, hurt….


UPDATE: Saturday, March 28th

I talked with the Executive Director for our school this morning and he told me that the school district WILL take all of our current employees! Big Relief!  We don’t know more about getting paid for the last two weeks but we will go on Cobra insurance on Wednesday.  Things will be okay…

The Pursuit of Powder

neon truth

We started our trip with a white knuckle Star Wars intro. rendition of snow in the windshield kind of driving.  However, the disorienting night snow driving was short lived because, apparently, the snow from above only wanted to grace us with 3 inches of fresh powder on Monday morning.  Steamboat, oh, how you have disappointed this season.  Pat stayed in and worked while Dan and I hopped on the gondola in search of some fresh stuff.  The main runs were crazy weird after having a recent wind/dust/rain storm.   Plus, it was foggy as ever and the wind snow mix made it hard to breath so the camera stayed in my pack.  I nearly jarred my brain when I found myself on the remnants of bumps with snow piles in between.  Think brown bumps with powdered sugar in between…I called it desert blizzard and no, it was not fun.  We did manage to find a few great runs on the top with pockets of pillow-like snow down into the meadow and into the trees.

limit 3

We made our way back to the hotel and out to eat for some refreshing Mexican then we high tailed it up the mountain again to hit the Strawberry Hot Springs.  Kooky fun sitting in steamy natural hot pools in the pitch black night with a raging river running next to you.  The river was arctic – and we know that for a fact!  Then, it got even better when the snow started softly falling like hot cold sizzle on your shoulders.  It was strange.

hot cold

ski coats and swim trunks

We couldn’t resist some good times traipsing around in our wet bathing suits, ski coats and sandals on the side of the narrow, winding road back to town.  Pat just had to try out his powder skis but his feet were too wet to get his boots on.  Nice try – it was funny.

powder shorts

snow "shoes"

We were just positively sure and giddy that the new falling snow would cover up that brown desert stuff on the slopes so when we heard the snow report on Tuesday morning we were more than surprised.  ONLY 2 NEW inches.  We went back to bed to sulk a little. Pat had the brilliant idea to call some of the Summit County reports and what do you know… there was a boatload of fresh powder at Vail and Copper – 11 inchessssss!  So instead of sucking it up at Steamboat, we packed it up and went to Copper.

Continental Divide

That’s right, we drove 2 more hours back to Summit County and found some of the deepest powder of the season.  It was enchanting and my legs are dead tired because of it.  I took some time out of making my turns to try out some action shots of Pat and Dan.  They were like little school boys in that that much snow.

As Dan would say, “That’s some serious blower pow!”

dan's snow smile


all smiles

thru the trees

blasting by

blower powder

Now it is Pat’s turn

Pat's game face

livin the good life

rip it

*the next 2 are my favorites from the day!


looks like a k2 ad

With only a handful of good ski days left this year, we were not disappointed by our true powder pursuit adventure!   No doubt about it  – we are all absolutely living the good life.

it got sunny


* artwork by Elise Blaha from enJOY design

Well, this break started out more as a “hit the ground groaning” sort of a day.  I spent all Friday morning feeling all sorts of sick.  It was awful but a little sickness then sleep plus a Jayhawk’s win and I was back in the game.
I spent some fun time in Longmont loving on some flea markets and some photo worthy sites and then I ended up at the giant warehouse Crocs sale.  Don’t judge me.  I love a good deal and $5 for Crocs is a good deal no matter how you slice it.  We finished up this crazy day over dinner with friends and some Wii golf and bowling.

Saturday was a low day but it was full of sleep which was definitely on the “to do’s” so I will count that as a win as well.

Sunday has been go, go, go with another Jayhawks victory in the bag (sweet 16, baby!) and a good time downtown with Dan’s aunt and cousin in town from VA.  We enjoyed a great meal and then rushed home to tidy up and pack it up.  The weather is HOT – as in 80 degrees hot but we are trading it in for what we hope (fingers crossed) is a great spring storm in Steamboat Springs.  They say 9 inches tonight and equal that for tomorrow so time will tell because they may or may not have lied to us before.  My vote, no fog and I’ll be happy!

Ok, Dan’s giving me the “Honnnnnnney” signal from downstairs so I will leave you with these fun finds from the Longmont Western Sugar Beet Company factory/plant.  Sugar beets, who knew?

door colores

beat up beet plant

sugar silos

Lots of love to you for a fine Monday!  Be back Tuesday with many new photos to endure, errr….devour!

spring breakin’ the routine

spring peek

Spring Break – Hooray!  Time to start in on those things on my radar.  The T-shirts are bought , the creative juices are flowing.  Come on snow, come on Jayhawks.  Watch out flea markets and here I come bed!

7. _________________

J's green ham eggs

Well, we have some serious everyday life occurring around here which can only mean that I am so ready for that two-days-away spring break.  It’s time to shake it up!  I have actually gotten used to waking up dreadfully early and that is definitely NOT OKAY – I have even been early all week (what is wrong with me?).

We have our hopes set on a major snow storm in the form of some spring skiing for the mountains (please snow, pretty please!).

Other things on the spring break radar include:
1.  a visit to the newest Pekoe in the Origins store at Cherry Creek.

2.  art time making more stencil shirts.  one for Dan and one for me!

3.  house love – our bedroom walls need some art.  lots of ideas, I just need to commit!

4.  quality camera time.  still buttons I don’t know how to use.

5.  sleeeeeeep!

6.  a flea market treasure hunt.

I would hate to ruin the daily duty instructions of wake up early, work, recover from work routine just yet so I better go recover.   Nighty, night!


green splash

I never pictured myself working with students with special needs but around last year’s St. Pat’s day marked the beginning of my current teaching world.  I tried teaching in the past but I really never saw myself working with special needs students.  I told myself I would not like it.  However,  just like Sam I Am prescribes in good old Green Eggs and Ham, all I had to do was try, try it and I may.  I do like special ed.  I do!  Really though, taking this job and liking this job has taught me more about myself and it has helped me see that there are a lot of things I am afraid to try for no good reason.  Shame on me!  I need to try more green eggs and ham!

And, LUCKY for us, I currently have some ham soaking in a green bath just waiting to be joined by green eggs for our Sam I Am snack on this St. Patty’s Day!

Linear Alliteration

I’m much more of a dots kind of a lady but lately I can’t help but like these luscious lengthy lines.   Look!  Just lovely.


looks like skiing in the sky

lines of lights

long greens


sharp lines

triangle squares

This weekend loved me

with a lot of



and a little

liquid love (Green Buddha Bubble Tea!).

La la la love alliteration!   Now,  try it for yourself and leave me some of your weekend alliterations using any letter of your choice!

breathing underwater


So I’ve been quite funky this past week.  I know it has a lot to do with some future uncertainties concerning my job path and I realized last night that I was letting those things get in the way.  I read a short devo. that talked about how the future is supposed to be a secret and, at times, it can feel flimsy – even precarious.  When it comes down to it, I am worried about my summer plans (and possibily future) right now.  I have been around the block anywhere from a teaching job that I hopelessly despised to, this time last year, working five different jobs simultaneously.  And while I liked each of my five jobs separately – together they almost did me in.  I don’t want to go back to these places.

So, right now I am truly trying to stop rebelling and worrying, put one foot in front of the other, and trust that the steps along the way are already being paved.  Oh man, that is hard and, yes(!), I am scared.

I am so glad that I have daily reminders like “U” from school who calls me Ms. Hennifer because he can’t say js.  I get to teach him how to read and add everyday.  Today, he learned how to count pennies and dimes while we played store.  It’s things like that help me to keep life in perspective – even if it feels like an underwater handstand progression at times.  Who or what helps you keep things in perspective?

**Thanks to my cousin Brock for the amazing display of underwater acrobatics!


This whole spring forward business is really tricky.  I hit the ground running today when Dan’s buddy called him for the snow report at 6:10am.  Uh, note to self…when setting the alarm at night, please remember to turn it on.  Needless to say I was a little late but there was snow on the ground so I knew it would be a good day.

It was a good day and when I got home, I let the sun shine in and I found a little something staring back at me.  Turns out, Quattro left me some window art in the form of nose prints.  Such skill – eyebrows and everything!  And, yes, I know my windows are hopelessly dirty!

smile smear

smile smear

the artist

the artist

Q and Cat Dog

Q and Cat Dog

And, as if dog art wasn’t enough, I just had to dig up this pic from from a rainy day this past fall.  I nearly drove into the curb when I saw this raindrop on my windshield.  Pretty stinkin’ amazing!

drops of joy

drops of joy

Hope your Wednesday is surprisingly amazing as well!

Springs Vs. Springs (and a winner)

tree views

tree tops

So last weekend I had the privilege of being in Palm Springs, California to visit my family.  This weekend I had the great pleasure of being in Steamboat Springs, Colorado to do some skiing.  What follows is a little thing I like to call “Battle of the Springs:  Palm Springs vs. Steamboat Springs”.  So diverse and so wonderful in their own ways.

toes vs boots

feet extremes



splish swish

splish swish



This pairing of photos reminds me of the project called 1828 where two sisters, who live 1828 miles apart, take a daily photo and post it side-by-side.  You can see it here.  Kind of makes me wish I had a sister.

And last but not least – I have a winner for the sea glass charm There were lots of visitors but you all must be shy need more practice at this whole givaway things because there were only a few comments.  JODIE ALLEN, you are the lucky http://www.random.dan winner of the charm.  Congrats, I will get your gift in the mail ASAP!  Be sure to check out her fun, fun blog,  a mom and her camera and her great photo website, jodified.

Giveaway for Friday Fun!

San Diego sea glass

San Diego sea glass

Remember these fun recycled treasure creations from San Diego?  Well, in honor of my recent trip(s) to California, the color green and the change in seasons I am giving away one of my handmade sterling sea glass charms to one lucky duck ellisondrive visitor.  So, here’s the scoop, you all have until Monday night to leave a comment letting me know who you are out there in blogland.  I would love to know who stops by ellisondrive from time to time!  I will draw a name on Monday night and let you know the chicken dinner winner and the charm above will be yours to keep or give!  See, short and sweet.  Now GO!

My Ma-Ma

Palm Springs was but before I get into the here and there of that, I want to take time out to mark this day.  This 4th of March is a critical day in the world because on this day, 77 years ago, my Ma-Ma was born.

my Pa-Pa, Ma-Ma and mom

my Pa-Pa, Ma-Ma and mom

Ma-Ma taught me the ways of the shopping world and still makes sure I always have my back-to-school clothes.  She has perfected the art of wrapping up the most expected, unexpected Christmas and birthday surprises.  She is a snappy dresser, a jewelry goddess, and a Diet Dr. Pepper drinking fanatic.  Everyone envies her cakes and pies (just leave out the chocolate kinds!) and her Christmas decor.  My Ma-Ma is the sweetest, most considerate, bossy little lady you have ever met!  And I know we are all better because of her.

Christmas 08

Christmas 08

Ma-Ma, Happy Birthday!  I think you take the cake and I’m so glad I got to spend another birthday week with you!

fondant lemon cake!

fondant lemon cake!

I’ll always be your cheetie.

Love, Jennifer